Blueberry, lavender & ricotta turnovers
August and September are the months for picking and conserving all the tastfull and nutritious berries and fruit around us in the nature. Every year I am looking forward to this periode and every winter I am so thankful that I have stored all these goods in the freezer. August. How much I love august and what it has to offer from the nature.
Being out in the peaceful forest picking blueberries, walking the swamp in the mountain and see the orange color from the multeberries lighting up.
So many benefits with these late summer days. This amazing gift from nature, that produces all the edible and healthy fruit and berries, full of vitamins and antioxidants. Just outside our doors. And how it calms my mind being out there. I could stay in these places for hour after hour. Forgetting the time.
Marmalade, berry galettes, panna cotta with berries, Clafoutis… There are so many things to make and enjoy.
Thank you august, mountain, forest and gardens. Now I am “saved” for the cold winter to come.
Å være ute i den fredelige skogen og plukke blåbær, gå i myrene i fjellet og se den oransje fargen fra multene lyse opp.
Så mange fordeler med disse sensommerdagene. Denne fantastiske gaven fra naturen, som produserer alle spiselige og sunne frukt og frukt, full av vitaminer og antioksidanter. Like utenfor dørene våre. Og hvordan det roer sinnet mitt å være der ute. Jeg kunne bli der i time etter time. Hvor jeg glemmer tiden.
Marmelade, bærgaletter, panna cotta med bær, Clafoutis ... Det er så mange ting å lage og nyte.
Takk august, fjell, skog og hager. Nå er jeg reddet for den kalde vinteren som kommer.
Blueberry, ricotta and lavender turnovers
Jeg foretrekker å lage disse med hjemmelaget deig, men det vil fungere like bra med butterdeig du får kjøpt i butikk. Sørg for at blåbærene dine er tyknet og avkjølt og at ricottaen ikke er for rennende, så du ikke risikerer bløte “turnovers“.
I prefer to make this with homemade "rough puff pastry", but it would work just as well with the one you buy in the stores. Make sure your blueberries are thickened & cool and your ricotta isn't too runny or you risk soggy turnovers...we don't want that!
1 package of puff pastry or 1 batch homemade
3,5 dl blueberries, divided
50 grams sugar
juice of half a lemon (about 1 tablespoon)
1 tablespoon of cornstarch
1 teaspoon dried lavender, ground to a powder in mortar & pestle, divided
115 grams whole milk ricotta
1 tablespoon raw honey
pinch of salt
1 egg, lightly beaten for brushing
raw sugar, for sprinkling
1/2 dl sliced almonds, for sprinkling
Heat oven to 190°C.
In a small pot combine 1,5 dl of the blueberries with the sugar. Heat over medium, smashing the blueberries completely into the sugar with the back of a fork. In a small bowl combine the lemon juice and cornstarch until the cornstarch is completely dissolved. Stir this into the sugar & blueberry mixture. Cook until bubbling and thick. Remove from heat and stir in the rest of the blueberries and half of the lavender. Transfer to a heat proof bowl and chill until no longer warm.
In another bowl combine the ricotta with the honey and the other half of the lavender. Chill while you prepare the pastry.
While your fillings are chilling, roll out your pastry into 15x15 cm squares about 1/2 cm thick. Place the squares on a non-stick baking sheet or one lined with parchment. Chill the pastry if it's gotten a little too warm.
Once everything is chilled, fill the pastry with two tablespoons of blueberry and top that with one tablespoon of ricotta filling. Brush the edges with water, fold them over to form a triangle, and press lightly with your fingers and then seal with the tines of a fork. At this point i usually give them another ten minute chill before proceeding.
Before baking cut three small vents into the top of each pastry with the tip of a sharp knife, brush with the egg, sprinkle with almonds, and then with raw sugar.
Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Cool on a cooling rack and serve warm or at room temperature. If you'd like to make them ahead, make them up until the point where you seal them (don't cut vents or brush them) and freeze them on a sheet tray. Once completely frozen, seal in a ziplock bag. Brush with egg, sprinkle, and bake straight from the freezer and increase cooking time by 5-10 minutes.